The first section of the Sounds of Luosto photography competition (Fall 6.9-15.11.2021) has ended and the top three have been selected! 77 photos of Lappish fall were submitted, from which Rovaniemi based photographer Irma Varrio selected three photos that, in her opinion, fit best into the festival’s theme of “stories and myths”.
Submissions included traditional, bright and colorful photos of the Ruska season, as well as more personal, experimental works that portrayed the fall and fall winter of the north. The top three are all unique, with different perspectives on the world of stories that Lapland can be.
The photography competition continues! Now we move into the second phase, Kaamos and the beginning of winter. Photos of this period must be submitted by 31.1.2022.
Learn more about the Sounds of Luosto photography competition >>>

A Tinge of Red
An old photo, in which familiar elements of the north add upon one another in a constructive, dark, and skillful way. The photo almost emanates mysticism, in which silhouetted elements and the native reds, greens and grays of Lapland are huddled together. A quiet tinge of red is a photo that forces its viewer to stop and “listen”.
Photographer: Pohjoinen puhuu

Breaths of the Fall in a Birch Grove
A pastel and story-like interpretation of a birch grove, which invites its viewer to step inside. The light gauze-like blurs caused by the intentional movement of the camera are like the spirits of the woods surrounding the trees. Between the tree trunks, a whisper of autumn’s yellow and purple notes, like the light brushstrokes of a landscape painter. An interpretation of a storied Lapland that is light and full of energy.
Photographer: Tapion tytär

The Magic of Ruska
A delicate close-up shot that sings of the strong colors of Lappish nature. A fresh interpretation, where the small leaves and specks of light play together. In the forefront, the in-focus elements show delicate detail, while the out-of-focus area behind sets a rhythm to the photo with its soft aesthetic. The whole photo is framed with beautiful balls of light. A magical moment in the story-like, sparkling world of Lappish Ruska.
Photographer: Annu