The third portion of the Sounds of Luosto festival photography competition (1.2-30.4.2022) has ended and the top three have been selected. This round received roughly thirty submissions, from which Rovaniemi-based photographer Irma Varrio selected three which stood out from the crowd while reflecting the light and sentiment of heart-winter and early spring.
“ This time the most favored object of photography was trees. Roughly two-thirds of the submissions were tree-based, with the light of late winter dancing among the trees with the different colors of the season. Two of the top three had tree-themes, in which the light of late winter was approached in different ways.
The photography competition continues. The final round is themed around the end of spring, summer, and the midnight sun. The final photographs must be sent by 30.6.2022.

Blue and white
A refreshing, traditional photo of a blue and white moment in the midst of Finnish late winter. The photo has a brilliant light, which brings the three dimensionality of the photo to the fore with excellent use of shadows. Three wedge-shaped elements create a composition that is tight and build a tension that holds the photograph together. A strong and complete photograph, which calls its viewer to step into a quiet, story-like winter moment.
Entry by pseudonym Jousimies

A mystical winter moment, which has been made by creative use of the zoom-lens during the moment of photography. The feeling and light in the photo are born of warm contrasts, and the technical implementation brings the landscape an interesting additional dimension. The sun, placed in center frame, gives the photograph its namesake wind in its rays, and a familiar Lappish forest is bathed in a wintery, mysterious light..
Entry by pseudonym Kuvatonttu

Told by the wind
A traditional, simplified, compositionally and technically accomplished photo of a wintery fell. The photograph features wonderful, rhythmic, wind-made snowbanks, in which light and shadows play. An interesting visual contrast is born of the sharpness of the snowbanks and the softness of the clouds in the sky above. Open, with clean lines, this photograph leaves room for the mind to wander.
Entry by pseudonym Katinlieko