The program for the 2022 summer festival has had a change. The recital of pianist Tarmo Järvilehto on 29.7 in The Chapel of the Northern Lights is now themed around Humanity and Heroism.

The change to the program was made because of the ongoing geopolitical crisis and a desire to aid the country of Ukraine in this difficult moment. Proceeds from the concert will be directed to Ukrainian-aid groups.
While describing the changes, artistic director Aku Sorensen expressed that “sometimes people are tested more than they have any right to be. In these times, small acts of humanity become commendable acts of bravery and heroism. This concert is dedicated to the heroism, and humanity, of the Ukrainian people.
The recital program will now begin with two short prayers written by Ukrainian composer Valentyn Sylvestrov. After the powerful emotions of the doll Petrushka nd the tragic love and parting of Romeo and Juliet, the program ends with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. This work leads its listeners to the Great Gate of Kiev, a symbol of the heroism of the Ukrainian people.
“We wished to create an additional channel through which one could support the Ukrainians. I strongly suggest purchasing tickets, even if you aren’t certain, you can make it to the concert” said Ali Arsalo, chairman of Kuusikko soi ry, the organizing committee of the festival.
Tickets can be purchased via Ticketmaster.
Although the concert is not till the summer, aid given then will be important. The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine will be long lasting, and help will be needed for years to come.
The musical community was relieved to learn that in recent days, composer Sylvestrov has safely made it to Germany from his home in Kiev.