Luosto soi!

Kuusikko soi -association

Kuusikko soi –association promotes the possibilities to experience classical and other forms of musical events in Lapland as well as more broadly in Finland.

The main event is the annual Sounds of Luosto –festival that caters to both Finnish and international audiences.

The association has also organized other concerts. In addition to the above, the association also strives to bring the musical experience to the audiences. Examples of such have been free home concerts, enrichment lectures, primary school events, care facility and restaurant concerts.

Kuusijärventie 116, 99510 Raudanjoki
phone: +358 50 594 3037

Members of the board
Ali Arsalo, chairman
Aku Sorensen, conductor, artistic director
Elisar Riddelin, conductor, board member
Heli Koivukangas, board member
Eero Liikanen, board member
Sirkku Järvinen, board memmber
Pekka Tuomivaara, debuty board member

Helena Lemminkäinen, administration, marketing and communication

The association has been registered on March 30th 2019, in Sodankylä, VAT-number 2995657-5